SoberSong Institute

By Robert Kaplan

Scheming over money,
How do I get more?
And how come all the more I get,
I still wind up feeling poor?

If more comes in, then what goes out,
I'll always feel alright,
It doesn't matter what the numbers are,
Just peace of mind at night.

Even better is out of debt,
And who owes who and when.
A place that's measure-less,
And everyone's a friend.

My own agent, responsible,
For everything I do.
The life I am is my creation,
While including you.

No one to keep score,
Of who has how, next door.
What I need is always here,
The birds have sang before.

And when I die and all is paid,
The bill will never be sent.
Cause I was me, and who I was,
Will all be gone and spent.

Copyright 2010 Perla Music (ASCAP)

© 2000-2010 SoberSong Institute